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I survived on 0 lives

This Game Touched My Heart So Much, I Loved It :)

Love it brought me to tears I loved it <3

This game is really cool! but i'm not good enough to get all the letters. so I don't know the the messages say.

not Offbeat

damn that hits hard


Amazing game, but with sad ending :(. Really wish the game has a sequel where they can meet each other.

really cool game and amazing music

Hey, thanks for checking out our game!

I met God in your game

This game was great, but what was the last thing the blue letter said?

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" and "Inconceivable!"

It's a reference to an excellent novel/film titled "The Princess Bride"

Love this game ! :D

Hi! Thank you very much for playing our game =D